Free Domain Name I Love Me: December 2012

Everything is Matter

Everything is Matter


Hi Love,

How's your week end? 
May u get refreshed after watching TV all day or maybe went to the beach on your free day =)

So, I have been busy lately because I am on a new job with a strict office hour and even more time to learn my new job in finance (with my engineering background). I take a fair amount of pressure in my new job, I love it though even yes, it is draining my energy. I am not in denial that in this ‘hard’ time, I need and I love to have someone to you know support me not just in a friendly way but also in a romantic way =p 

It's been a long time since I had a boyfriend or partner or whatever we called it. In that none boyfriend time, I was of course ( =p ) got involved with some guys. Nicely done at first but then it also affected me sometimes because some relationship had turned into something that I really had no idea what it was and got me to think more than it should (a fun relationship). I still have my heart in a right place I guess, that’s why I used some of my energy left into those ‘relationship’. 

What came into me was have I just once in a period time of my 'grown up' life ever really single...

Well I realized that I was hardly really single for a long period of time. I remembered when I was really is single, it was the real SingleLicious time for me. I enjoyed the time when I freely went wherever I like without being bothered with questions. I loved it when I just focused on something without weighted with ‘a relationship thought’. I just enjoyed me with my family and friends and nothing to worry about. Relationship sometimes can be fun and sometimes can be a burden to us. I had no fear at that time, fear from my own thought, would I really have someone to called my lover or whatsoever. Turns out that fear comes to me, sneaking up and lay down there in my head.

I am very much knowing that people surrounding me in my age has the idea about marriage, but doesn’t every person has their own way and time to come to this idea? (me and myself conversation). For me, this is me time to focus on my career, and multitasking is not a good idea for now. What’s so wrong with planning my next couple of years without any kind of romantic relationship. Maybe this idea will not so hard for men but very hard for women. Women do need affection and touch etc more than men.  

Ohhh believe me, I am so sick talking about what should be and what shouldn’t be in my romantic life. Sometimes I need to take a rest from all the drama and hopefully could see clearly next time. Don’t you agree?! A lot to do than to think about whom to loved or am I will be loved, when we will or when we will not. Let it go and flow like the wind kissing your face lol. The point is, let’s try the real taste of SingleLicious and take the benefit and good feeling from it. Too much think will drained us, just bring fear and doubt to our self.
Less is more =D
